Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Building the Geiger Rover -APRS 144.390Mhz

This project that what inspired me to Build the Wall-E or Johnny 5 Robot but it still the long way to go and because I do not have much time to build this robot because I promised the folk of HAM that i will be ready for the Field day and I only have 2 weeks to put everything together.

As you can see the ARM that made of the Flat LCD monitor stand that used for the Supermarket check out and I found it from the Weird Stuffs for $10 and then I put the motor and it seems to serve the purpose to demo that we can use this Robot for Radio Active Survey by using APRS network to broadcast the data via VHF and I-GATE that we can see it from

Snow-Blower is the source of both Rubber Track.  , Power Drive with WheelChair motor 24 VDC small Battery combine for 24VDC that total weight around 70 lbs  RC 5 Ch 2.4Ghz digital mode sometime lossed signal cause the motor to go full-speed. that what I will need to improve in the future.

Red LED that R/C receiver communication estabished

Display of the GPS/CPM/ Time

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